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Getting to the top is almost as fun as sliding back down with the K&K Dalben Tower Combination. Two tall towers topped by wind spinners and sharing intertwining slides capture the imaginations of children, both young and old, and encourage them to discover for themselves which tower and slide may be the best. The innovative design encourages energetic fun while offering an eye-catching addition to any outdoor play area that is sure to become very popular.

Posts available in galvanized or powder coated steel (9-10105-031).


CATALOG NUMBER: 9-10105-031

AGE: 5 Years Plus

USE ZONE: 58'9" x 63'10" (17.9 x 19.45m)

FALL HEIGHT: 6'7" (2m)

SIZE: 46'9" x 50'1" x 35' (14.3 x 15.3 x 10.5m) - w/o windmill

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