• Meander Water Play Goric Playgrounds
  • Meander Water Play Goric Playgrounds
  • Meander Water Play Rendering Goric Playgrounds
  • Meander Water Play Rendering Goric Playgrounds
  • Meander Water Play Rendering Goric Playgrounds
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One of the more sophisticated, multi-channel systems we offer, Meander provides small or large groups of children with endless variations of water play. Two channels split off from a central hand pump and distributing basin. Every step along the way, you are invited to use your creativity to experiment and discover the different ways that gravity and engineering can stop, move, shift, and convey water. Communication and motor skills get a workout as kids create their own games and ordering systems. Long after the splash pad grows monotonous, kids working in an interactive waterscape will still be pumping, damming, balancing, and splashing together. Children of all ages and abilities can find a place to fit into the action, from operating a weir to observing the scoop wheel spin. 


CATALOG NUMBER: 8-34153-039

AGE: 2 Years Plus



SIZE: 17’-10” x 22’-7 1/8”

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