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Waterfall (Small)
Consisting of 2 bars (versus 4 bars for the Waterfall Large), this more compact version of the popular Waterfall offers the same ability to exhaust the imaginations of energetic children as they climb under, over, and to the very top, and then quickly slide down as though riding a banister. Always a captivating piece of playground equipment, the Waterfall offers an excellent way to vary the landscape of a traditional playground.
CATALOG NUMBER: 500-00-098
AGE: 2 Years Plus
USE ZONE: 26'9" x 13'7" (8.2 x 4.9m) - plan view
FALL HEIGHT: 1'10" (.55m)
SIZE: 16'3" x 1'7" x 1'10"h (5 x .5 x .6m)